Co-Curricular Requirement

At-a-Glance - 2023-2024

  Traditional Residence Hall 本科s Traditional Community 本科s Non-Traditional 本科s
Thursday     Minimum 12个学分 12个学分 没有最低
Living Learning Minimum 6学分 没有最低 没有最低
Service Learning Maximum Up to 10 credits (20 hrs. 的服务) Up to 10 credits (20 hrs. 的服务) 没有最大
总要求 30学分 30学分 10个学分

制定计划 each semester to complete your co-curricular requirement.

ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT  Co-curricular appointments should be treated just like classes when planning work schedules and overall academic load. 学生 who work in one of the University’s continuous operations (Adventist Information Ministry, Andreasen Center for Wellness, Crayon Box Daycare, Dining Services or Residence Hall Front Desks) during the co-curricular hour may receive an online viewing accommodation. This allows them to view archived chapel/forum programs and submit a written report for credit. Please communicate directly with the Associate VP for Student Development ( to receive this accommodation.

TRADITIONAL UNDERGRADUATES  本科s under the age of 25 years who do 不 have a child in their care are identified as traditional. All traditional undergraduates are required to attend 30 co-curricular programs a semester, meeting one or two minimums (below) as part of the total requirement.

Thursday Minimum  Traditional undergraduates must attend a minimum of 12 programs offered on Thursdays during the 11:30 a.m. 到12:15.m. 期.

Living Learning Minimum  Traditional undergraduates living in a residence hall (Lamson, 迈耶, or University Towers) must attend a minimum of 6 living learning programs offered in the residence hall system.

The remaining credits can be invested in ways that best support a student’s life and career goals. 最大值为 10 credits may be earned through the Service Learning Form.

NON-TRADITIONAL UNDERGRADUATES  本科s 25 years and older or who are parents with a child in their care are identified as non-traditional. Non-traditional undergraduates are required to accrue 10 credits a semester, drawn from any of the available programs. 父母 under the age of 25 must present a copy of their child's birth certificate to the 学生生活 office in order to receive non-traditional status.

EXEMPTED UNDERGRADUATES  Marital status or work conflicts do 不 exempt students from attendance. 然而, if an undergraduate student is registered for 7 or fewer credits, has already earned a bachelor's degree, or has 120 earned academic credit hours or more by the beginning of the semester, the student is welcome but 不 required to attend programs. Earned credit hours can be viewed using the University Academic Record link on the iVue page. Do use any other means to calculate earned credit hours.

SEMINARY STUDENTS  Seminary students have a separate Worship Attendance Policy. 点击这里 to view the details.